Greetings Odyssey of the Mind! Today is the day! We are wrapping up our competition today with our final competition, the Spontaneous competition. : -) Next week we will begin a mini-challenge [...]
Welcome to Roadrunner Math! Welcome to Quarter 4 and Roadrunner Math, only 9 weeks left till the end of school. : -) What is Roadrunner Math? Roadrunner math is a new course we are rolling out [...]
Greetings Roadrunners! This week students where challenged to create their own puzzle that would challenge their peers, next week we will practice solving one another’s challenges. Please [...]
Greetings Odyssey of the Mind! Just a friendly reminder… I am offering an additional practice / build day for teams to get prepared. I will be at school tomorrow (Saturday) from 12pm to [...]
Greetings Roadrunners! Last week students where challenged to create an algorithm that would enable them to count all of the numbers from 1 to 100 without having to actually count them. I love [...]
Greetings Odyssey of the Mind! Students are working hard to get their programs ready for competition. Every time they present, they are looking better and better! It exciting to see everything [...]
Greetings Roadrunners! Last week students where changed to solve their peer’s color designs. This week we solved a classic triangle challenge, that had a twist. I am very impressed [...]
Greetings Roadrunners! Last week students where changed to come up with a unique, geometrically pleasing design that forces another person to color your design with 5 or more colors. This week [...]
Greetings Odyssey of the Mind! Our Arizona Odyssey of the Mind shirts are available for Pre-Order, please see the attachment to view the design for this year. If you are interested in a shirt or [...]
Greetings Odyssey of the Mind! Our teams are practicing their skits and getting ready! I love watching everything come together as the backgrounds, props and costumes are united with the skit. [...]